ALLMEDIALAB web design takes care of the copyright rights when using photos, illustrations, animations, video, audio, music and texts for your website. We also use an online image library from which we use material for your website.
- Monday — Thursday: 10:00 — 6:00 PM
Article-1 Intellectual property
- ALLMEDIALAB uses the Premium online service of www.Freepik.com and also uses illustrations of www.Storyset.com
- All by ALLMEDIALAB Created designs such as photos, illustrations, videos, animations, audio, music and logos are copyrighted!
- Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous article ALLMEDIALAB reserves the rights and powers that accrue to it under copyright law.
- All through ALLMEDIALAB documents provided, such as reports, advice, etc., are exclusively intended for use by the client and may not be used by him without prior permission from ALLMEDIALAB be reproduced, made public or brought to the attention of third parties.
- ALLMEDIALAB also reserves the right to use the knowledge gained through the performance of the work for other purposes, provided that no confidential information is brought to the attention of a third party.
- The content provided by the client must be copyright-free or the client must be in possession of the copyrights for the content provided. Content is understood to mean: photos, video, music, text or anything that is audible or visible on the website to the client.
Article-2 Intellectual property
- ALLMEDIALAB is not legally liable for the content provided by the client on the website for the client and the legally applicable copyright rights and obligations.
- The client is not permitted to use the website other than through: ALLMEDIALAB to have it changed in any way, unless this is expressly stated in the contract.
- The code, applications, scripts, frameworks and widgets implemented on the website are subject to very strict license conditions by ALLMEDIALAB. These are only allowed through ALLMEDIALAB are used for the client within one contract and on one website. The client will never become the owner of these previously mentioned implemented and licensed parts of the website, as well as of the website itself. This remains in the possession of ALLMEDIALAB and is part of it "ALLMEDIALAB web plan".
- Maintenance of a website designed by ALLMEDIALAB by the client or others is not permitted, with the exception of ALLMEDIALAB created Content Management System and only after written permission from ALLMEDIALAB.
- Use of content such as photos, etc. where the copyright rests with ALLMEDIALAB may only be used by third parties with permission of ALLMEDIALAB.